Awaken your Infinite Potential in Portland, OR
Dear Reader,
Dearest Soul,
As a counselor deeply connected to the divine and wonderful, I welcome you, individuals and couples from all paths of life to explore the fullness of your potential. I believe that every person carries within them a limitless essence, ready to grow and thrive when nurtured with care and understanding. My role is to hold space for the healing journey, offering compassion for the struggles we all face as humans, while recognizing the unbreakable spirit that lives within each of us.
Featured Products
Cards of Happiness
Each card is crafted with affirmations and positive messages that guide your thoughts and intentions towards success, happiness, and fulfillment.
Cards of Calm
Each card is crafted with affirmations and positive messages that guide your thoughts and intentions towards success, happiness, and fulfillment.
Limited offer!
Combo of All 3 Series
Each card is crafted with affirmations and positive messages that guide your thoughts and intentions towards success, happiness, and fulfillment.
Cards of Abundance
Each card is crafted with affirmations and positive messages that guide your thoughts and intentions towards success, happiness, and fulfillment.
As you start walking out on the way, the way appears -Rumi
I specialize in guiding you through relational dynamics, attachment healing, spiritual awakening, finding purpose, and navigating the emotional waves of anxiety, grief, trauma, and life's transitions. Whether you're seeking clarity, a deeper sense of self, or simply a way forward, I'm here to walk beside you on that path, creating a safe, sacred space for your growth and transformation.
Book A Session, Today.
Holy Fire Reiki Session
$50 (per session)
Holy Fire Reiki is an evolution of traditional Usui Reiki, incorporating new techniques and energies said to be of higher vibrational frequency. Holy Fire Reiki emphasizes unconditional love, compassion, and the connection to divine guidance. It’s considered beneficial for people seeking spiritual advancement and deeper healing
Soul Contract Reading
$76 (per session)
A Soul Contract Reading is a spiritual process that decodes the blueprint of your life based on the sound vibrations of your birth name, using the 22 letters of the ancient Hebrew alphabet. This reading reveals the karmic patterns, talents, goals, and life purpose you are meant to fulfill in your current incarnation.
Divine Healing
$58 (per session)
Divine Healing is a spiritual healing process that works with your Higher Self to identify and clear core patterns and blockages. It operates on the principle of "Ask and you shall receive," allowing individuals to heal by bringing awareness to limiting beliefs or "low frequency programs" that hinder the flow of higher consciousness energy.
Grab your spot
Ready to dive into possibilities? Let's pencil in a time to chat and transform those big ideas into reality!
Leilany Rose
Buckle up for a journey into creativity and innovation with our consulting team! We're all about uncovering exciting opportunities, solving challenges with a dash of fun, and cheering you on as you reach new heights.
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Contact Me
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!